GDS Apparatus at NGI's Geotechnical Laboratory in Oslo

NGI's laboratory in Oslo is equipped with a wide range of advanced testing facilities, including static and cyclic CAU/ CAD Triaxial, static and cyclic Direct Simple Shear, Constant Rate of Strain Oedometer, Resonant Column, Bender Elements and Ring Shear. Testing can also be performed at a wide range of temperatures, from in situ temperatures to over 100°C.

The NGI laboratory in Oslo utilises a number of GDS apparatus including:

  • Cyclic/Dynamic Direct Simple Shear (EMDCSS)
  • Dynamic Triaxial (DYNTTS)
  • Pressure Volume & Pneumatic Controllers
  • Force Actuators
  • Load Frames
  • Virtual Infinite Stiffness Load Frame (VIS500) for rock testing
  • Local Strain Transducers (LVDT)
  • Bender Element System
The GDS apparatus has been extremely valuable for providing monotonic and cyclic laboratory test results on which the geotechnical design of onshore foundations and offshore structures, for instance the foundations on which platforms and windfarms are based. The equipment has also been used for laboratory testing research, including studies of fundamental soil behaviour and evaluation of laboratory testing techniques.